Ordering Your "Dream Wedding Dress"

Somebody just asked me about "dream dresses" the other day, so I thought I'd share the process with you. Okay. You just got engaged, or you're graduating, or going to a Rennaissance Festival, or you have some other special occasion that you really need an awesome dress for. Great! (However, I'm going to talk about this as if it's a wedding dress, simply because I just did one over the winter so it's fairly fresh in my mind. Some steps will not apply for other outfits.) Step 1: Collect ideas. These may be drawings you did when you were little of your ideal dress, a picture of Cinderella, a copy of a painting, a Bridal magazine, a picture of your grandmother's dress, of a flower, etc., etc. All well and good. You may like the skirt of one dress, the sleeves from another, the neckline from somewhere else, and that is fine. I can work with that! The other thing to do at this point is to go to a bridal salon (bring a white T-s...