The Reluctant Career Women
In this day and age, it seems like there's a bit of an unfair assumption circulating in Catholic parishes. Despite a seeming lack of eligible, solidly Catholic young men who are actively seeking wives, young women who take jobs are sometimes seen as choosing a career over marriage and having a family. All the "women's libber" arguments are brought up against them: You'll become attached to money; you'll become addicted to climbing the corporate ladder; you'll scare off prospective husbands because you're better educated than they are, etc., etc. Baloney. The very simple truth of the matter is that most of these young women (at least the ones in my numerous acquaintance) have very little or no choice. Their parents cannot support them at home forever, especially if there are many children in the family (Catholic school tuition isn't cheap!). They have no suitors knocking on their doors, especially right out of high school (People would accu...