Catholic Girls Afternoon Out - Discussion

Modesty in the Modern World How many of you have ever felt a conflict when you’re out shopping – you see this REALLY cute outfit that is really stylish and fun, BUT…. The skirt is just above your knees, it doesn’t have sleeves, and the neckline is a bit too much. We’ve all experienced it. We’ve all seen it. But does that make it right? Well, here’s some maybe not-so-surprising news. The media and most clothing corporations today are pushing sleezy, “sexy” outfits at such young ages that it’s hard to find anything nice even in the children’s section anymore. Companies are even making bikini bathing suits and skimpy underwear for girls ages 6 on up! Do they need these things? NO. Even adults don’t need these things. Advertising in general is becoming more and more inappropriate. A school in Canada wanted to do a test. They showed two advertisement images to a group of parents and girl teens and tweens. ...