Selling Stuff...

I've been turning this idea around for a while now, but I wanted to ask some opinions.  What would you all think if I posted a few items to sell right here on the blog? 

You could notify me by email or blog post or phone call that you wanted the item, then payment could be made via either PayPal or personal check.  I would then mark the item sold.

The only problems I can predict are:
  1. Two or more people both respond that they want an item.  In that case, I would have to do a "first come, first serve" basis and offer to make either a matching or slightly different item for the other people who wanted it.
  2. Since I don't have email at home, it might take me a while to mark which ones are sold and which ones aren't.  This could further aggravate the first problem.
On the whole, though, it would be easier than setting up an online store in another format....I think. 

Especially since I won't have a lot of stuff to sell at first, because I'm going to college full time already.  I have a cool graphics class this quarter - photoshop and illustrator.

In any case, we shall see.


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